Nha Trang air quality map

Live air pollution map of Nha Trang

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Unhealthy for sensitive groups
Very unhealthy

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*IQAir’s AQI data modeled using satellite data. Learn more

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Sensitive groups should reduce outdoor exercise
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Close your windows to avoid dirty outdoor air
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Sensitive groups should wear a mask outdoors
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Sensitive groups should run an air purifier

Nha Trang does not have air sensor data

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What information can be obtained from the air quality map for Nha Trang?

When the air quality map for Nha Trang is first opened, the viewer will see an overall pale green hue to the map. This is an indication of “Good” quality air. The legend at the bottom of the screen will explain the significance of the different colours. They range from green to dark maroon which signifies “Hazardous” air quality. Usually, the viewer will see several coloured discs, each of which represents the position of a ground monitoring station. There are however, some cities that rely on satellite data and therefore have no ground monitoring stations.

Once the map is expanded, a list appears on the left-hand side of the screen. This explains where the air monitors are located, the position of any fires burning in the vicinity, the air quality and the wind direction. During the second quarter of 2022, there were no fires burning in the immediate vicinity.

When viewed in full-screen mode, a table will be seen on the right-hand side of the screen which is a world ranking of the current dirtiest cities for air pollution. It can be interesting to compare your city with others on the table.

Can any other information be seen on the air pollution map for Nha Trang?

When viewing the page with the map on it you will be able to see how many people follow the city and will therefore be informed of any notable change to the situation. The stations are listed too complete with their category and who they are operated by. As can be seen in Nha Trang, there are no ground monitoring stations here so all the information is based on satellite data. There are several other maps such as the 3D animated air pollution map for the world, and current rankings of cities around the world as well as access to a comprehensive world air quality map.

Does the air quality map for Nha Trang show the source of the air pollution?

The source of the air pollution is not shown directly on the air quality map for Nha Trang. Information needs to be gleaned from the main city page and understood in conjunction with the map page. During the second quarter of 2022, Nha Trang was enjoying a period of “Good” quality air with a US AQI reading of 46. This figure is calculated by measuring up to six of the most prolific air pollutants and can then be used as a standard when comparing pollution levels with other cities. It is endorsed by the World Health Organisation (WHO). The main pollutant measured was PM2.5 with a level of 11.1 µg/m³. This is approximately just of twice the recommended figure of 5 µg/m³. The figures are quoted in microns per cubic metre.

Further down the page can be seen the current weather conditions in Nha Trang with the temperature, humidity, wind speed and air pressure listed. There is also a forecast for the next few days predicting what the level of air pollution could be. This could be very useful if planning a trip within the next few days.

Further down still is a Live AQI City Ranking showing the US AQI numbers for some of the other cities in Vietnam so it is easy to make comparisons.

Air pollution is the appearance of dust, fine dust, ultrafine dust or gases. Dust particles that exist in the air play an important role in determining the quality of the atmosphere. The types of dust that our naked eyes can see or feel are large dust particles. In addition, there are fine dust particles (less than 1/30 the diameter of a hair), which the naked eye cannot see or feel, which causes serious respiratory problems such as: allergic reactions. inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, inflammation of the lower respiratory tract, later attacks on the blood vessels and the heart. In both children and adults, short-term or long-term exposure to air pollution can lead to decreased lung function, respiratory infections and worsening asthma. Emerging evidence also suggests that ambient air pollution may affect diabetes and neurodevelopment in children.

PM2.5 often appears on the air quality map for Nha Trang, but what is it?

PM2.5 and PM10 enter the respiratory tract when people breathe, but the level of penetration varies according to the particle size. While PM10 enters the body through the airways and accumulates in the lungs, PM2.5 is especially dangerous because they are so small that they can wriggle into the lungs, pulmonary veins and enter the circulatory system.

PM2.5 is the cause of blood poisoning, it makes blood difficult to clot, it affects the circulatory system, weakening the nervous system that controls the activity of the heart muscle, and causing cardiovascular diseases. Fine dust particles enter the body, reduce lung function, chronic bronchitis, cause asthma and lung cancer. At the same time, making the condition worse and possibly fatal. Causes foetal growth retardation. Babies born with low birth weight are more likely to have nervous breakdowns and autism. In addition, PM2.5 also contains many heavy metals capable of causing cancer, or affecting DNA and causing genetic mutations.

PM2.5 fine dust is fine dust with a diameter of less than 2.5 μm. Fine dust such as PM2.5 is mainly produced from traffic emissions (motor vehicles, especially diesel vehicles), industrial plants, power plants, construction sites, smoke caused by combustion, garbage, burning wood, pollen, insect waste, etc.

The main cause of high fine dust concentration is human activities. Mainly activities such as:

  • Industrial production: exhaust fumes from factories, production workshops, industrial parks
  • Transportation: exhaust fumes from personal vehicles, dust carried in the process of travel, dust generated by erosion of the road surface
  • Living: Exhaust smoke cooking by charcoal stove, wood stove, oil
  • Garbage: domestic waste, industrial waste
  • Agriculture: transportation, burning of straw
  • Construction: dust from the construction of apartments, buildings, bridges and roads

There are natural causes of PM2.5 dust which could be;

  • Natural dust: desert, sandy soil, volcanic eruptions
  • Wildfires: Rapid climate change is now the cause of large wildfires worldwide. Accordingly, they emit a large amount of dust into the environment. Causes serious air pollution
  • Seasonal change: These are usually the times when fog appears. Thick layers of fog prevent the dust accumulated inside the city from escaping. Causing the phenomenon that the whole city is covered with dust (fine dust, superfine dust, ...). This usually occurs around October - November time of the year.

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